No-Code Test Automation Platform & more

DogQ, Thunkable, NoCode-X

Hello fellow Nocoders,

Welcome to edition 6 of the Nocode landscape news. This Newsletter informs weekly about new tools listed in the nocode landscape:

New Tools in Nocode Landscape

  1. DogQ

    DogQ is a user-friendly no-code web testing automation platform designed for creators of all levels. It helps users test their products easily and quickly and team up with other creators to make sure everything works as it should.


  2. Thunkable

    Thunkable is a user-friendly platform that enables users to create mobile applications without needing to code, using a drag-and-drop interface. It allows for intuitive design and real-time testing, making app development accessible to everyone, regardless of technical expertise.


  3. NoCode-X

    The Nocode-X platform empowers users to develop web applications at unprecedented speed, placing a strong emphasis on reusability and security. NoCode-X is designed with a focus on reusability, allowing you to easily leverage and repurpose components & logic, saving time and effort in every project.


My favourite stack

I like a lot of tools, but if I should go on a island and would be only allowed to take 3 No-Code Tools I would choose these, because they work great together.

  1. Softr

    Softr is a Web App Builder, which allows to easily create you can build internal tools, directories, SaaS MVPs and more


    Make enables you to build all kind of workflows and processes for your Application.

  3. Airtable

    Airtable is a mixture between Spreadsheet and Database.

Do you plan to build something with nocode-tools and need help?

I provide assistance through consulting, development and training.


Thank you for reading this week's edition of my NoCode newsletter. I hope you found it valuable and inspiring. I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions for future issues. Stay tuned for next week’s edition

Best, Dennis

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